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Venderly school store case studies

student-led stores that generate schools revenue

FFA - Horticulture
McKean High School

FFA Horticulture Store Blooms with Success

McKean High School’s FFA Horticulture Store, in collaboration with Venderly, stands as a testament to the potential of digital retail in promoting agricultural education and community engagement.

The success of the store not only cultivates financial growth for the school but also nurtures a passion for horticulture and sustainability among students.

This case study showcases the viability of integrating agricultural education and entrepreneurship, paving the way for other schools to explore similar initiatives that enhance both educational and financial outcomes.

In collaboration with Venderly, McKean High School has established an innovative digital store through its FFA (Future Farmers of America) Horticulture Club. This case study explores the journey of McKean High School’s FFA Horticulture Store, which specializes in selling plants, flowers, and other produce to students and the community.

The McKean High School FFA Horticulture Store was born out of a desire to not only promote agricultural education but also to provide students and the local community with access to high-quality plants and produce. In partnership with Venderly, the digital store became the focal point for these endeavors.


  1. Diverse Horticultural Products: The digital store offers a wide array of plants, flowers, and other horticultural products. From seasonal flowers to sustainable produce, the store provides a unique and environmentally conscious shopping experience.

  2. Community Engagement: The FFA Horticulture Store serves as a hub for community engagement. Local residents, as well as students and their families, can easily access fresh, locally sourced products while supporting the educational initiatives of the FFA Horticulture Club.

The FFA Horticulture Club at McKean High School has experienced substantial financial growth, with an average revenue increase of 34% over the last four years. This growth not only sustains the operations of the club but also contributes to the overall financial health of the school.

Student Involvement

Students play a central role in the management and operation of the FFA Horticulture Store. From cultivating plants to managing online sales and customer interactions, students in the Horticulture Club gain hands-on experience in entrepreneurship, leadership, and sustainable agriculture.

Education Integration

Teachers at McKean High School have seamlessly integrated the FFA Horticulture Store into their curriculum. The store becomes a living laboratory for lessons on horticulture, business management, and environmental sustainability. This hands-on approach to learning enhances the educational experience for students, making lessons more tangible and applicable.

Administrator Satisfaction

School administrators are pleased with the positive impact of the FFA Horticulture Store on multiple fronts. The financial success of the store contributes to the school's budget, allowing for additional investments in academic programs, extracurricular activities, and facility improvements.

McKean High school stats

School Revenue
$ 0
Years in Operation
0 + | 2023 all rights reserved

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